Publishing Hous

A book
"Analytical-chemical determination of narcotics and dope remedies"

2007, 368 p.

In this book are stated basic chemic-analytical methods, that are used nowadays during making a medical examination in order to detect drugs and other psychotropic remedies in raw materials, drugs and also in biological objects. This book will be interesting for chemic-toxicological experts and experts in medical court analysis and narcology, medical students and other experts. Recommended as a training aid.

The booklet "Marihuana: information for parents",
2005, 24 pages (softbound)

The booklet will equip the parents with necessary information about this drug, help them to notice in time strange changes in their daughter or son, teach them to identify signs of intoxication in children and prompt the actions to escape the negative consequences of drug use.

The booklet "Marihuana: information for youth ",
2005, 20 pages

What is marihuana? What happens to the body when one smokes cannabis? What are the after-effects of marihuana use for the child's future, for studies, going in for sports, driving a car? All these questions are discussed in the popular booklet.

The booklet "The consequences of drugs usage",
2005, 28 pages.

The consequences of taking some of the most popular narcotic drugs (marihuana, cocaine, heroin, metamphetamine and chemicals-inhalants).

The booklet "Narcotic drugs and alcohol: information for future mothers",
2005, 28 pages

Drug and alcohol dependence and motherhood are incompatible. What happens when girls who use drugs and alcohol become mothers? The booklet comprises data and facts dealing with consequences of drug and alcohol usage by pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed their children; different kinds of pathologies of embryo and child are discussed; advices to future mothers are given.











