About the Magazine

Nowadays many people try to find the answer to the question: why did the drugs burst into our life so torrentially? Some find the reason in the collapse of the USSR, open borders, Russian naivete and genetics. That's all so. But it's high time to wake from stupor and come to action, because many cities, regions and territories are affected by white plague of the 21 century.

Information and publicity were always among efficient preventive means, allowing parents and young people to get necessary information about damage made by drugs and ways of escaping it. That's the reason why we organized the Publishing House "Narkonet", which professionally specializes on literature dealing with prevention of alcohol, drugs and tobacco abuse as well as prevention of associated diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.).

The special place among the publications of the House is occupied by the magazine "Narkonet", that thoroughly collects and illuminates the positive experience in the field of drug addiction prevention and healthy life style promotion.

The primary attention is paid to presentation of materials positively educating oncoming generation: strengthening the family institute, achieving the understanding of importance of the concepts of paternity and maternity, developing the national spirit and serving Motherland.

In our opinion, absence of useful information is a serious drawback. We try to fill this gap. Much has been already done, much lays ahead.





Topics and rubrics
The magazine has more than 20 rubrics. Some of them are recurrent, appearing from time to time. But the main rubrics are permanent, they could be found in every number. Let us present some of them.

Officially from the first face
The State Committee of the Russian Federation for control over circulation of narcotics and psychotropic substances has been organized. What is it? How is it organized? Also, information about the work of state bodies, their projects and real activity.

Primary school for parents
A common thing - the youth is using drugs for more than a year, and the parents are ignorant of the fact. Carelessness, indifference, absence of free time? Of course. But also ignorance of the problem, because they have not met with anything like this before. How to identify drug usage at an early stage when interference is most effective? How to speak with the youth and on which topics? How to act? Where to seek help? Our rubric answers all these questions and many others. Drug abuse prevention is one of the main tasks of the magazine. As many as ten years ago when drugs only started their aggressive attack on our country one could speak about risk groups. They comprise children from broken or problem families. Today, according to expert opinion all children and juveniles are included into the risk group. Drug users could be found in the drunkard's family and in the family of a teacher as well as in a family of a "new Russian", where the child is carefully looked after by nurses and tutors. Nowadays the preventive work lies in child preparation to existence in a cruel world full of temptations. A self-sustained person with real judgement of things and determined character has more chance to escape chemical dependence as well as other modern dangers.

The confessions of drug users better than any lecture explain the mechanism of a risky play with a fate: a way from the first dose to overdose. These fearful and sad stories may be useful not only to youths fooling with marihuana, but also to their parents - in order to better understand their children.

My drive
From what things a person, especially a young one, could get pleasure? Scuba hunting and guitar strings plunking, motorcycling and moving chess figures, shashlik cooked on the river bank and snowboarding down the snowy mountainside… There are plenty of things in the world which can bring delight, make the heart beat harder or bring pacification! There is only one requirement - the senses should not be blurred by drugs. The rubric "My drive" was included especially to show how interesting, rich and colorful life can be without drugs.

There is no country in the world where the problem of drugs does not exist. And everywhere people try to solve it with more or less success. It is useful to know what is done in other countries to control drugs dissemination. In many cases you don't need to invent anything yourself, it's quite enough to get use of effective foreign experience. Or to abandon the project clearly unsuitable for Russian environment. And although it's obvious that white plague couldn't be defeated in one particular country being for a long time a phenomenon of global character, undoubtedly, samples of national experience distributed worldwide would play the decisive role in the salvation of mankind.

Our idols
Although it's said one should not make an idol, undoubtedly people can't do without them, especially in youth. Young people seek examples for imitation. It could be a farther, a teacher, an elder brother, and this is good. But more often they find such a person among singers, musicians, artists - those who are always in sight and on hearing. Every gesture of an idol becomes known to millions of people. Every word said by him becomes a signal for action. That is why popular persons are engaged in different actions, such as "Say NO to drugs". These persons need not say anything about drugs in the articles published under this rubric. They can simply speak about love, hobbies, work, about things that are important to them in this life, that are of true value to them. Fans are blessed ground for such revelations.

In the regions
About a year ago the Khanty-Mansi autonomous area became a test ground for examination of new methods of controlling the drugs usage and preventive work. Then in Tyumen for the first time in Russia there was organized the Committee on drug abuse prevention and control, coordinating the activity of all the related organizations in the region. In Kaliningrad the action "Even don't try" under the sponsorship of Ludmila Putina and Oleg Gazmanov took place in which more than 300 medical workers participated. More than 700 000 rubles were gathered and placed to the account of kindergarten N17 and infectious diseases hospital N4 of Kaliningrad. The regions started to take action. Other territories and towns with the same problems should learn about their success. And the magazine "Narkonet" made this positive experience public.

Sports for us
The magazine devoted to drug abuse prevention couldn't do without sports rubric, as advertising of healthy life style is one of the main directions of preventive work. We narrate about great sportsmen, masters of sport, champions. We present different sports to those who are in the process of choosing their hobby. But our main attention is drawn to yard (local) football and hockey teams, children's and youth sports clubs, sports sections in schools and campuses, that is to mass sports, the aim of which is to confront narcotic drugs. Sports and drugs are incompatible, that's why we should do our best to let sport in the life of our children as early as possible.

Climate in the family
Any tragedy, if we are eager to find its origin, starts in one's home. Why very often drug users are found in the families which seems safe and trouble-free? Because the fate of a child (yes, exactly the fate!) is determined by factors hidden from the sight of a stranger - psychological moral climate in the family. The very same family climate about which the popular song says.
We invite to appear in this rubric well-known uncommon individuals with a "family" talent. And they frankly speak about their mistakes, delusions, little "tricks" which guarantee fine weather in their families.

Soul care orthodox center of Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt. The center is led by hieromonk father Anatoly (Berestov). Board of trustees of the center is curated by Alexius II, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.







